AireSpring · Products

AireConference Improves Business Conference Quality and Security

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AireSpring provides cloud communication and connectivity services with an industry reputation of delivering innovative solutions at competitive rates, while maintaining a commitment to integrity and reliability. Products provided by AireSpring include AireConference for business conferencing.

AireConference helps businesses cut costs associated with sales, operation, and transportation without compromising the quality and productivity of in-person meetings. The program delivers clear, toll-free conferencing with local dial-in numbers across 23 international cities, the ability to host meetings with hundreds of callers at once, and no reservations. Businesses that switch to AireConference can transfer existing PINs for quick startup, and receive live customer support to troubleshoot issues on the spot.

In addition to high call quality and competitive rates, AireConference utilizes an advanced web portal that gives users total control over conferences, recording, presenters, and individual participants. Users can also identify noisy participants and mute specific individuals as needed. The program’s security features enable users to limit the number of conference participants and prevent new ones from joining once all intended participants enter the conference.